“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Saturday, July 9, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 11:01am until 4:52pm EDT on Tuesday July 12. SEARCH VOID OF COURSE MOON on APRIL 7 POST. In general, actions initiated during a VOID OF COURSE MOON tend not to work out as planned. It's a GREAT time for inner creative work!
MOON ENTERS SCORPIO at 4:52pm EDT until Thursday July 14 at 6:22pm EDT. Ruled by Pluto this tends to be an intense time when emotions run high and thoughts go psychologically deep. The issue of resources may come to the foreground and overwhelm us. This fixed water sign rules life, death, regeneration and sexuality. It is one of the most creative signs - in a primordial way. Pluto goes to the depths to transform from the roots and foundation. He rules the underworld which reflects secrets that may be withheld consciously or unconsciously...or finally revealed. He rules, therefore psychotherapy. Scorpio is the only sign with three glyphs: the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix - the surprising sting, the high-flying overview and the hard-won resurrection. At what level would you choose to play?

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Conjunct Mars in Scorpio at 6:22pm EDT on Thursday July 14th. Mars is considered the traditional ruler of Scorpio - before Pluto was discovered in 1930. Consequently it's alignment with this Moon is particularly strong and significant. The above description would be intensified, especially considering Mars recently turned direct (June 29th) and is re-gathering its speed and archetypal strength. Pluto and Mars archetypes both reflect sex, willfulness and power and conjoined can evoke the image of a volcanic eruption. Actions initiated during this Moon period would carry this strong quality and would tend to have CHALLENGING results. There may, however, be abundant energy for a long-sought-after transformation, perhaps involving the roots of one's sexuality. Try to imagine the least aggressive way to express your possible Mars-ruled anger - remember my Lama story and, perhaps, go outside and yell at a rock! You just may release a old crystalized emotion and have a profound psychological realization.

SCENE OF THE DAY:A Dangerous Method; 2011; Director: David Cronenberg. This intense film, adapted from the stage play by the playwright himself, Christopher Hampton (and based on the non-fiction book of John Kerr) follows the relationship between psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen) and Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender). The plot focuses on a forbidden relationship Jung develops with his patient, Sabina Spielrein played by a risk-taking Keira Knightly. The interesting casting is just the beginning of this edgy film which goes to Plutonic depths in its portrayal of 'the Talking Cure' as healing vehicle for sexually wounded real-life Spielrein. In this scene we witness, perhaps uncomfortably, Knightly twist, thrust and jut out her jaw as she digs deep into her psyche for the raw material that yields her eventual transformation - she, herself becomes one of the first female psychoanalysts. Of many published papers, her most influential was entitled: "Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being," 1912. It doesn't get more Plutonic than this! Pardon the French subtitles.

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