“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


SCENE: THE HOURS, 2002, Director: Stephen Daldry, Screenwriter: David Hare, Adapted from Michael Cunningham's novel. (The sound is low - use headphones) I chose this third act scene, offering Julianne Moore's remarkable performance revealing her motive for abandoning her family, as a gut-wrenchingly bittersweet example of the kind of transformation available at dramatic times such as the Lunar Eclipse. Meryl Streep's character, Clarissa Vaughn, has always believed Moore's character, Laura Brown, to be 'The Monster" mother of her artist ex-lover played by Ed Harris. How could she leave her young children? When Clarissa listens to Laura's story, though, we observe a release of judgment and a wash of understanding and forgiveness come over her. This scene is a product of brilliant writing, inspired acting and is transformational even to the witness. It offers a piece of profound wisdom for us all in the form of being willing to pay attention to the stories and perspectives of others. Peaceful resolution of conflict, both emotional and political, is available to us if we have the willingness and patience to listen before we judge or act.
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Eclipses most often come in pairs - Solar and Lunar - and are approximately two weeks apart. These two weeks can be seen as a sacred time for going deeper than usual, dissolving the categorical boundaries of rational thought, to be willing to go wherever your imagination leads you. It's a great time for not just looking at things, but for what Archetypal psychologist James Hillman calls seeing through. Psychologist Thomas Moore speaks of the liminal space 'inbetween' things, the threshold where "life takes place that is out of the ordinary, creative and once in a while genuinely magical...where we learn things that can't be discovered in any other way." This is what's available to us during this time. Take advantage!

Simply put, the astrological narrative for the eclipse period is based around the theme of Endings and New Beginnings. The Lunar Eclipse reflects its Full Moon culmination echoing that experience of coming to completion - letting go of what no longer serves who we have become. The Solar Eclipse, with its New Moon, ushers in the start of a new cycle. It's great when they happen in that order so we can clear out space for the new, but as we see in the current eclipse cycle, that isn't always the case.

Visually, when we see the life-giving light of the Sun eclipsed, we can imagine that the light of consciousness, or one's life force is blocked. Day appears as Night. We can understand the fear behind ominous predictions of the ancients when a mysterious event like this occurs. The gods must surely be enraged. Something must change. Even if disaster is not around the corner, this is surely a wake-up call for cleaning psyche's house. The arena is usually in the outside world of events with the Solar Eclipse. When the reflected light of the Moon is eclipsed it signals time for our inner life, psychological or emotional, to shift. Perhaps it's time to let go of old wounds or the blame we carry for past actions.

For you personally, if you know your chart, notice in which house or area of life the eclipse occurs. This would be the place that would be ripe for transformation - letting go or creating something. Notice also if there are any planets residing in this house and any aspects this planet makes to other planets. This will identify where to look for support for making the change, or seeing potential challenges to your endeavor.  Also, with your ephemeris - that holy book of astronomical data that charts planetary movements - check out when other planets will transit the eclipse point in the future. These are often significant moments which are worth preparing for!

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