“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, March 28, 2016


MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: Ruled by expansive Jupiter, this Moon reflects optimism, abundance and an idealistic perspective of life. This is the adventurer who goes off seeking the better world, where the educated higher mind, philosophy and religious thoughts of the divine are predominant. It's a GOOD time for sending off writing to publishers, beginning a long distance trip or having a great adventure. There is the danger of excess, arrogance and not paying enough attention to details or practicality because there is so much enthusiasm for the bigger picture.

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Square Venus. The feminine principle in general is challenged at this time by the square aspect. Both the Moon and Venus reflect different aspects of the Feminine - the emotional and protective vs. the aesthetic and sensuous romantic love respectively. So it's possible that what is initiated today may be CHALLENGING particularly involving the women in your life (or the feminine aspect of the men!) Venus also rules money and what we value so it could reflect emotional challenges in that arena. Perhaps you won't feel attractive enough today or your excessive self-promotion will put your women friends off. But Venus is considered the Lesser Benevolent (Jupiter is the Greater) and though the 90 degree square aspect may be difficult, with Venus it has less effect than with other planets. So I'd say, strive for modesty and go for it!

SCENE: QUEEN CHRISTINA, 1933; Director: Rouben Mamoulian. Hollywood icon Greta Garbo as Sweden's Queen Christina is an unforgettable portrait of a royal guardian desperately longing for her freedom and adventure. She pleads for her country to be inspired by Sagittarian ideals of philosophy and literature. Up to the climatic final scene, which is one of the most exquisite cinematic images of the glory of independence, this Garbo classic demonstrates her expression of the independent feminine mystique before it was politically correct.

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