MOON ENTERS SCORPIO at 8:23am EST on Monday, March 5 and remains here until 3:55am on Wednesday, March 7. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. Ruled by Pluto this Fixed Water sign reflects the raw power that is Life and Death. Given Jupiter's largess, the depth of feeling Scorpio
naturally experiences will tend to be intensified. While we may have to
work to contain this sea of emotion, we're likely to have opportunities
to mine our inner life and discover a wealth of wisdom about our
psychological selves. Pluto is also the symbol for Transformation. The three images that represent this sign are the depths of the stinging Scorpion, the expansive perspective of the high-flying Eagle and the gloriously regenerated Phoenix. It may take moving heaven and earth for change to occur...or it can take a moment. A moment creates momentum and it feels like the circumstances and leadership of this country are inspiring just that. Jupiter often blesses what it touches so this Moon period is an
opportunity to begin any action, particular ones that are meaningful and for
the greater good. Pluto also represents resources - and with Jupiter,
we can say an abundance of resources is at hand. Find a really good and creative
use for the resources you can access and begin something now!
After the last series of Eclipses and the recent Virgo Full Moon it feels like the emotional tide is building and celestial symbols are constellating to indicate our next chapter. We're moving towards the next dramatic astrological moment of Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn in January 2020 about which much will be written. Many believe it to be the marker of the next chapter.
On a more
mundane note, any
investments made during this time are very likely to increase. The is is
a Great time to send in your TAXES before Mercury goes Retrograde! If
you're cautious about the
detrimental excessive quality of Jupiter, actions initiated along these
theme will tend to have EXCELLENT resolutions.
SCORPIO SCENE: Wind River, 2017; Writer/Director: Taylor Sheridan. Intensified emotion describes this powerful and devastating Native American drama only too well. I just screened it for the second time on Netflix after seeing it months ago in the theater. This beautifully made film tells the story of two teenage women living in the vast wilderness of Wyoming around the Wind River Reservation - both raped and killed by drunk men with nothing better to do - and the two people who avenge their murders. The graphics at the conclusion of the movie read: "While missing person statistics are compiled for every other demographic, none exist for Native American women. No one knows how many are missing." The words are superimposed over a wide shot of the two fathers who mourn their daughters, sitting together looking out on the Wyoming landscape. In this scene Jeremy Renner, as a Fish and Game Tracker/Hunter, consoles his friend (Gil Birmingham) with wise words on grief. Elizabeth Owen and Graham Greene also featured.
It's beyond time for a Plutonic shift for the Native American community. I'll continue to say that the soul of America cannot be healed until this wound is resolved with integrity, generosity and immediacy. It's a no-brainer. It's our original sin. The large asteroid Chiron carries the archetype of the Wounded Healer. The US has its Chiron Return in 2024/25. It is the opportunity for an evolutionary shift of its original wounding. The energy builds.

Here's a quote from Director Sheridan from his Cannes Film Festival acceptance speech for Un Certain Regard - Best Director: "It is the great shame of my nation the manner in which it has treated
the native inhabitants of North America. Sadly, my government continues
that shame with an insidious mixture of apathy and exploitation...There is nothing I can do to change the issues afflicting Indian
country, but what we can do as artists - and must do - is scream about
them with fists clenched. What we can do - is make sure these issues
aren't ignored. Then the people who can effect change will be forced to.
[Cannes 2017]
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