Zeus in Bernini's sculpture at The Fountain of the Four Rivers, Rome |
JUPITER ENTERS SCORPIO at 9:40am EDT on Tuesday, October 10th after being in Libra since September 2016. The biggest planet in our solar system, which symbolizes Zeus' largess, remains in a sign for about a year. The sign in which Jupiter resides reflects the area of life where we grow, where we find meaning and what is blessed by the Great Beneficent. Financial astrologers often say that the sign Jupiter is in for the year is the area for the most lucrative investments for that period. If we're lucky, this could be a time of abundance of resources!
Jupiter in Scorpio brings to consciousness issues of Life and Death, our Sexuality, our sense of Power and the experience
of Transformation.
These arenas are all centered around the concept of
Creativity which flourishes in this sign. Scorpio also reflects
other people's Resources - both financially and otherwise. Scorpio is
excellent at managing money and we may find the need for this skill more
than ever this coming year. Note that Uranus enters Taurus this May for
the next 14 years which is another strong indicator that change in the Financial
world is highlighted. This is the time to get your ducks in a row for the expected shifts in currencies, values and investments!
Follow the Images: Jupiter in Scorpio suggests that delving deep into the dark secrets of the the unconscious, the psychological Shadow, offers us great wisdom.
Remember Scorpio's three glyphs: the Serpent, the Eagle and the Phoenix. From the depths of Pluto's underworld to the heights of understanding, Scorpio's natural access to valuable resources can unlock mysteries which help us heal. This is a time for meditation, psychotherapy and other practices which take us to inner places where images may reveal to us our soul. As psychologist James Hillman says, "Stay with the images." Perhaps they will take you on a symbolic narrative journey which has great meaning and liberation for you. There is a peace that can result from this kind of journeying - a feeling of personal connection to the Divine - that You Are Here, you matter and you have something to contribute.
Transformation: The Jupiter archetype expands all these areas in our personal and collective lives. It is very likely that circumstances arise for each of us which offer major lessons in Scorpio's territory. Being a water sign, our emotions will tend to run deep and be strong so make sure to come up for air and find your grounding - that which supports you. This is an opportunity for exciting transformation; find your courage to take great leaps towards who you might Become and what Resources you have to contribute to your community.