The monthly Good Days Calendar is back! Use this calendar below to determine for yourself which day is best to initiate any action: a project, communication, purchase...etc. Just look for the day's quality that best suits your activity. The Last Aspect the Moon makes to another planet (or Sun) before leaving a sign is the indicator of how successful the action will resolve - its result.
My goal is to keep the calendar one month ahead or more...we'll see how that goes!
Blessings, patience and light hearts to all clients, friends and readers.
PS: Also started INSTAGRAM account: Good Days Astrology Calendar for a larger and more colorful format.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Hello to All after a long absence~
And Happy New Year!
The astrological cycle begins again as the Sun enters 0 Aries today at 11:50pm EDT.
And Happy New Year!
The astrological cycle begins again as the Sun enters 0 Aries today at 11:50pm EDT.
I just wanted to keep you posted on some immediate astrological indicators. For the next two weeks, beginning Now, Mars will be passing through the Saturn/Pluto conjunction - the most anticipated and extremely challenging configuration of this year. Together these planetary archetypes reflect the destruction of traditional structures and other such peaceful things. While this transit, which was exact the first week of January, is already separating (Saturn, at 29 Cap, has now passed several degrees beyond Pluto at 24 degrees Cap) we continue to feel its effects. When other planets approach the same degree, the circumstances associated with the archetypal narrative tend to be reactivated.
Mars, a faster moving planet, is now doing exactly that. The presence of Mars, which rules the Sun when it moves into Aries tomorrow, carries the Warrior Archetype. It is an indicator of willfulness, anger, aggression and the tendency to take strong action to satisfy one’s own desires. We can also consider the high road. Mars reflects enormous life force - the initial spark of imaginative Fire. The opportunity is to express this energy as the esoteric expression suggests: as ‘the Right Use of Will’. While Mars passes over these trigger points these next few weeks the advice is to remain vigilant guardians of our states of consciousness. That we stay as present and compassionate as possible in our actions and communications. That we use our potentially formidable energy wisely. We are moving both faster and slower than our usual routines. When charging around collecting food and other supplies, it’s a good idea to leave notes and reminders for yourself; mentally mark where you leave things, get confirmation and reality checks on agreements and plans and, most of all, find your patience.
Mars, a faster moving planet, is now doing exactly that. The presence of Mars, which rules the Sun when it moves into Aries tomorrow, carries the Warrior Archetype. It is an indicator of willfulness, anger, aggression and the tendency to take strong action to satisfy one’s own desires. We can also consider the high road. Mars reflects enormous life force - the initial spark of imaginative Fire. The opportunity is to express this energy as the esoteric expression suggests: as ‘the Right Use of Will’. While Mars passes over these trigger points these next few weeks the advice is to remain vigilant guardians of our states of consciousness. That we stay as present and compassionate as possible in our actions and communications. That we use our potentially formidable energy wisely. We are moving both faster and slower than our usual routines. When charging around collecting food and other supplies, it’s a good idea to leave notes and reminders for yourself; mentally mark where you leave things, get confirmation and reality checks on agreements and plans and, most of all, find your patience.
I like to stop and remember to say to myself “this moment right now is the most important moment in my life...” especially when I’m anxious. Take deep breaths with the intention of calming yourself and getting present. And, remember the welfare of The Other. Mars can represent the energy and will to accomplish tremendous feats. Just pay attention to the process.
Jupiter is moving quickly into these same degrees. Tomorrow, on the Equinox, Mars will conjunct Jupiter only two degrees from Pluto and by the end of the month Jupiter will conjunct Pluto at 22 degrees Cap. Jupiter often indicates the expansion of a situation as well as blessing it. It may indicate the growth of this virus while also bringing wisdom and eventual resolution. Mars will conjunct Pluto on the 23rd. This can indicate the strongest willfulness imaginable, to the extent of ruthlessness. These few days before the 23rd, as Mars approaches Pluto, are worthy of self-protecting. This can indicate a dangerous time - so call on your inner Zeus for guidance - in serious ritual or at any passing moment. If you have a doubt about going, saying or not to. As Mars separates, or passes Pluto, the energy wanes.
Illnesses, in general, are thought to come under the keep of Neptune. The invisible, nebulous and often mysterious quality of disease is a perfect fit with the Great Dissolver of boundaries and distinction. The insidiously infectious nature of this virus is an added clue. We must acknowledge how powerful Neptune is now in its own sign of Pisces.
The optimum expression of Neptune is spiritual practice, all forms of artistic expression, engagement with the sea and “particpation mystique” (the great mystery of intuitive knowledge of the collective). Boundary issues, confusion, sacrifice, ego denial etc may also surface. Again, Water is a big theme. Drink lots of it now to cleanse your system. Keep our water sources viable. Illusion and deception are Neptunian - get reality checks!
It’s also important to be aware of some context. The United States is approaching its Pluto Return, exact in February 2022. Pluto’s orbit around the sun takes about 248 years, so this has been a long time coming and astrologers have been anticipating its arrival. Pluto returning to its natal position on the US chart at 27 degrees Capricorn, signifies a new chapter of Plutonic principles. We are clearly going through a breaking down and regenerating period. Other Plutonic themes include natural resources - particularly oil and other energy sources beneath the earth's surface (with Neptune strong in its own sign Pisces, all WATER issues are in sharp focus); crisis management; life force; death, rebirth and transformation. In the Sibley chart, which has a 12 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant, Pluto resides in the US second house. This represents our values, money, self-worth, property etc. These are the areas we, as a cultural collective, are now required to address and transform. Pluto’s reconstruction is a slow evolutionary process and we are not likely to witness results any time soon. But the beginning of any process the most crucial. Like any birth chart indicates, the initiating moment sets us on our course. Our choices now are critical. At a planetary return we have the opportunity to experience its archetypal principles at more evolved level of consciousness. The voices of global and local leaders - elected, requested and self-proclaimed - communicating through the written, oral, electronic and intuited word, will determine the collective decisions that are made. Do status quo conventional structures remain in place (Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn) or do we observe the shift into Aquarian innovation? (Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all moving into Aquarius). Immediate and long term revolution/evolution is suggested by these combined archetypes. There's no getting around it. The expression, "Breakdown before Breakthrough" comes to mind. How can we each contribute to the conversation?
Whether we consider it a wakeup call to the Kali Yuga (a very slow moving Tibetan age of collective Plutonic destruction and regeneration), a cultural renewal of values or a time of very personal lessons to be actively learned at the cellular level - this is a time to be reckoned with as well as a great opportunity for advancement on a soul level.
Being aware of which astrological house, or area of life, these transits are occurring in our personal charts will be helpful to know what is being tested and where we might extend extra vigilance.
On the 21st Saturn, at 29 Capricorn (strong in its own sign), will move into Aquarius where it serves as traditional ruler. With Saturn’s movement to Aquarius, ruled by the modern planet Uranus, it helps usher in this New Age we have been on the cusp of entering for decades. When Pluto enters in March 2023. perhaps we will show signs of an elevated consciousness on a global scale. We do know it’s likely to take a crisis of this magnitude to live Neptune’s mantra of: All is One and One is All❣️
Neptune is also considered to be the higher resonance of Venus. ‘A Higher Love‘. Beauty and Art as archetype. Film, the art of ‘illusion as reality’ is a perfect way to engage with Neptune -
and a perfect segue to the movie that comes to mind for this moment in time:
The Constant Gardener, 2005; Director: Fernando Meirelles; Screenwriter: Jeffrey Caine

Neptune is also considered to be the higher resonance of Venus. ‘A Higher Love‘. Beauty and Art as archetype. Film, the art of ‘illusion as reality’ is a perfect way to engage with Neptune -
and a perfect segue to the movie that comes to mind for this moment in time:
The Constant Gardener, 2005; Director: Fernando Meirelles; Screenwriter: Jeffrey Caine

Rachel Weisz and Ralph Fiennes star in is the Oscar winning adaptation of The Constant Gardener. Weisz is a mega-Pisces, with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and the North Node ALL in Pisces!! Fiennes is the obligatory Capricorn (with Jupiter in Pisces). During a global epidemic of AIDS a drug company is discovered pouring pharmaceuticals into parts of Africa while simultaneously dangerously testing other drugs on the vulnerable African population. Weisz, as activist Tessa Quayle, reveals that nothing is as it appears - in true Neptunian fashion - and is murdered for the truth-telling threat she has become. Her unassuming government-worker husband grieves her shocking loss by engaging in an intricate and life- threatening investigation. Things come to light about his wife the likes of which he never had a clue. This is a film of passion, about both love and conviction. A must see!!
PS: Stay Well; Stay Smart. Endure.
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Think about Jung's quote...the idea that inherent in every moment might be a theme, an image or a story. If we knew the quality of a moment and got in sync with it, we could ride its wave and be in sync with the movement of the world. The study of planetary motion has been correlated to stories of mythology since primal consciousness. We have an instinctual knowing of the deep relationship between earth and sky as indicated in the Hermetic principle As Above So Below and Jung's concept of acausal synchronicity. Based on empirical data collected since early recorded history and throughout many cultures, astrological archetypes have carried these stories to present-day consciousness. We can ride the waves and be in sync with the world.
This blog is dedicated to giving you the daily lunar astrological indications and how best to fly, ride or breathe with them. Because any event or action you begin is like a birth, you can determine the best time to initiate an action by starting it on a day which best describes your endeavor. It's like creating an astrological birth chart for your activity. If you know your natal chart you could go deeper and get in sync with what daily lunar descriptions work best with your particular rhythm as well. Each Moon period will be evaluated as EXCELLENT, GOOD OR CHALLENGING to advise you on how your action is likely to resolve if initiated during this time. Will it tend to work out or not. This is the relevance of the LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON. As the Moon travels through a sign, it contacts (makes aspects to) other planets. Data strongly suggests that the last aspect the Moon makes before leaving a sign reflects the result of any action initiated during the time the Moon was in this sign. This may sound complex but will be clearer as you read the posts.
Storytelling is Where Astrology and Cinema Meet.
This blog is grounded in the idea that, to a great extent, who we are is the story we tell about ourselves - and if we want to transform ourselves, we might begin by changing the story we tell. Images are primary to our stories, our films and our psyches. Jung might say we respond so potently to images because archetypes, the most fundamental element of the psyche, are dynamic myth-based images...moving pictures that tell stories...sound like cinema? Jungian analysts such as Patricia Berry, have written about the idea that we're making movies in our minds all the time. We could see cinema as an external projection of our internal movies. So, what better medium than film could be used to demonstrate the invisible astrological story of the day? Accordingly, each post concludes with a dramatic scene from cinema. People often ask me for film recommendations so this is also my way of sharing my favorites with you.
The film clip is just one way out of a myriad possibilities the activated archetype can be expressed. Imagine a range of possible expressions for one archetype, from the least to most optimum. For example: when the Moon is in Aries, the Warrior Archetype is activated. Behavior associated with this principle can range from the least optimum: being stuck in anger, being rash, arrogant, too impulsive, starting a fight or war - to the most optimum: using the available abundant physical energy to work out, dance, constructively initiate a task or project, demonstrate your intelligence and courage as a leader. I once asked a Tibetan monk, Lama Norla, what he did when he got angry. He said, "I go outside and yell at a rock." The Aries (ruled by Mars) anger has to be released in some way or it festers in our body. But we can find a way to use the energy without hurting anyone. Once you're aware of the principle at work and possible behaviors associated with that principle/archetype, you can choose from anywhere along the continuum how to express it. There's one rule of thumb above all: An activated archetype demands to be acknowledged. The ancient Greeks would say that the gods demand to be honored or there will be all hell to pay! We'll just say that it's advantageous for us to know the energy in play, get in sync by acting as consciously as possible and...ride the wave! Things just tend to work out better...magic seems to happen! But it's not completely magic. Let's call it...Cosmic Consciousness!
Finally, after each post you are invited to comment on how the daily astrology is expressed in your life.
PostScript: Please scroll down to look at older posts to check out the film clips and astrology you missed.
PPS: Use the search space at the top left of the home page to locate specifics within the site.
PPPS: If you want to Follow - please first Join the Site, then if you want to Follow by Email, please do.
This blog is dedicated to giving you the daily lunar astrological indications and how best to fly, ride or breathe with them. Because any event or action you begin is like a birth, you can determine the best time to initiate an action by starting it on a day which best describes your endeavor. It's like creating an astrological birth chart for your activity. If you know your natal chart you could go deeper and get in sync with what daily lunar descriptions work best with your particular rhythm as well. Each Moon period will be evaluated as EXCELLENT, GOOD OR CHALLENGING to advise you on how your action is likely to resolve if initiated during this time. Will it tend to work out or not. This is the relevance of the LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON. As the Moon travels through a sign, it contacts (makes aspects to) other planets. Data strongly suggests that the last aspect the Moon makes before leaving a sign reflects the result of any action initiated during the time the Moon was in this sign. This may sound complex but will be clearer as you read the posts.
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From the set design of Mozart's The Magic Flute by Karl F. Schinkel: The throne room in the palace of The Queen of Night |
This blog is grounded in the idea that, to a great extent, who we are is the story we tell about ourselves - and if we want to transform ourselves, we might begin by changing the story we tell. Images are primary to our stories, our films and our psyches. Jung might say we respond so potently to images because archetypes, the most fundamental element of the psyche, are dynamic myth-based images...moving pictures that tell stories...sound like cinema? Jungian analysts such as Patricia Berry, have written about the idea that we're making movies in our minds all the time. We could see cinema as an external projection of our internal movies. So, what better medium than film could be used to demonstrate the invisible astrological story of the day? Accordingly, each post concludes with a dramatic scene from cinema. People often ask me for film recommendations so this is also my way of sharing my favorites with you.
The film clip is just one way out of a myriad possibilities the activated archetype can be expressed. Imagine a range of possible expressions for one archetype, from the least to most optimum. For example: when the Moon is in Aries, the Warrior Archetype is activated. Behavior associated with this principle can range from the least optimum: being stuck in anger, being rash, arrogant, too impulsive, starting a fight or war - to the most optimum: using the available abundant physical energy to work out, dance, constructively initiate a task or project, demonstrate your intelligence and courage as a leader. I once asked a Tibetan monk, Lama Norla, what he did when he got angry. He said, "I go outside and yell at a rock." The Aries (ruled by Mars) anger has to be released in some way or it festers in our body. But we can find a way to use the energy without hurting anyone. Once you're aware of the principle at work and possible behaviors associated with that principle/archetype, you can choose from anywhere along the continuum how to express it. There's one rule of thumb above all: An activated archetype demands to be acknowledged. The ancient Greeks would say that the gods demand to be honored or there will be all hell to pay! We'll just say that it's advantageous for us to know the energy in play, get in sync by acting as consciously as possible and...ride the wave! Things just tend to work out better...magic seems to happen! But it's not completely magic. Let's call it...Cosmic Consciousness!
Finally, after each post you are invited to comment on how the daily astrology is expressed in your life.
PostScript: Please scroll down to look at older posts to check out the film clips and astrology you missed.
PPS: Use the search space at the top left of the home page to locate specifics within the site.
PPPS: If you want to Follow - please first Join the Site, then if you want to Follow by Email, please do.
Sunday, July 1, 2018
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Redon's Still Life, The Dream |
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live out her musical fantasy. While discouraged by her negative karaoke-singing mother's failed musical career, she is supported by a partner, a new mysterious beat-pounding beau and grandma in a wheelchair. The dream sequences are original and colorful; the rapping is raw and entertaining. We root for 'Killer-P' as she overcomes the many obstacles any stardom-striving character must. Streaming on HBO, YouTube and Google.
Friday, June 29, 2018
MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 0:37am EDT on Saturday, June 30 and remains here until Sunday, July 1 at 6:56pm when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the night. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Venus in Leo. Ruled by Uranus, this Fixed Air Moon will probably need to
assert its independence and rebellious nature. Early Saturday morning
the Moon will Oppose Mercury and Square Uranus, its ruler - and then
later in the morning (9:01am) Mercury will Square Uranus. Both hard aspects suggestive an upsetting early morning. Perhaps this
is a good day to sleep in! Actually, the evening looks pretty
irritating as well with the Moon Conjunct Mars. Try working on an
unusual solo project - against the grain of a group-conscious Aquarian
nature - and perhaps wait until the Pisces Moon to bring it to others.
This Moon may have particular difficulties for women as both the Moon
and Venus (which in Leo is passionately expressive) reflect the Feminine
archetype. The Moon naturally feels most comfortable at home, with family and focused on the emotional past, but Aquarius wants to take her into the future with a more mental and detached perspective. Objective scientific or technological projects or
perspectives should fare best now but expect the unexpected!
Actions initiated during this Moon period tend to have FAIR resolutions.
Remember Venus is the Lesser Beneficent (Jupiter being the Greater) and
even a Square aspect to Venus is still, well... beautifully Venusian.
AQUARIUS FILM SCENE: How to Talk To Girls at Parties, 2017; Director: John Cameron Mitchell; Screenplay: Philippa Goslett and Mitchell. Based on the 18 page short story by Neil Gaiman, this is most definitely a futuristic and unusual Aquarian/Leo sci-fi love story. Alien Zan (Elle Fanning) meets punk kid Enn (Alex Sharp) and, for 48-hours, they explode into a literally star-crossed lovers adventure. Punk guru Queen Boadicea, a radically attired and pumped-up Nicole Kidman, instigates a political uprising in the outskirts of London while Ruth Wilson (The Affair), as
PT Stella (queen of the aliens) wants to ingest her for dinner. The set-up between punks and aliens affords much commentary on individual freedom vs. bizarre alien rules, restrictions and conformity, suggesting relevance to today's cries for wall-building and general isolationism. Perhaps the cultural revolutionary backdrop to this ode to late 70's angry electronic music wants to wake us up again to the current absurdities of fake Fake News and other misdirections. The casting is spot-on and visuals are wildly colorful, but the love story tends to lose its focus towards the end, getting lost in the excess...perhaps another telling metaphor. Still, a cinematic feast for the eye (and ear - for those with amenable sensibilities) from the director of Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Premiered at Cannes. Streaming on Amazon, iTunes and Google.
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PT Stella (queen of the aliens) wants to ingest her for dinner. The set-up between punks and aliens affords much commentary on individual freedom vs. bizarre alien rules, restrictions and conformity, suggesting relevance to today's cries for wall-building and general isolationism. Perhaps the cultural revolutionary backdrop to this ode to late 70's angry electronic music wants to wake us up again to the current absurdities of fake Fake News and other misdirections. The casting is spot-on and visuals are wildly colorful, but the love story tends to lose its focus towards the end, getting lost in the excess...perhaps another telling metaphor. Still, a cinematic feast for the eye (and ear - for those with amenable sensibilities) from the director of Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Premiered at Cannes. Streaming on Amazon, iTunes and Google.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn will be like that we astrologers are all anticipating in January 2020. This conjunction can be 'deconstructed' as the tearing down (Pluto) of old traditional structures (Saturn) before rebuilding (Pluto)...or pruning or restructuring what no longer works in terms of our collective resources or power (fuel, global economy, political decisions - Pluto's archetype) or in our collective psyche. Any way you interpret the meeting of these two archetypes, the indications are strong and will most likely affect us deeply. As this current lunar position also creates the tension-producing Full Moon (Moon in Capricorn Opposite Sun in Cancer), be conscious as it approaches to allow whatever is up in your personal life for restructuring to move on out. It's likely to have something to do with our ambition to succeed or limitations to speaking our emotional truth. Exhale as you let it go. Then, knowing you've just made a quantum leap, smile at your courage!
NOTE: On Tuesday, the 26th MARS TURNS RETROGRADE at 9º Aquarius, and remains Retrograde until August 27 at 28º Capricorn when it TURNS DIRECT. Mars' archetype concerns our Identity, our Will or Intentionality, our Sexuality, our Warrior-nature (Anger) and our physical Actions. Use this time to reconsider who you truly are and if your Actions in the world signify this identity. Notice what House(s) early degrees of Aquarius/late Capricorn fall in your birth chart. Any action or decisions made in the area of life that this house represents will be given an opportunity to be reconsidered and perhaps, done over during the retrograde period. We're likely to feel the shift in energy from Aquarius' more erratic, impatient and rebellious attitude back to a steadfast, disciplined and responsible Capricorn. While Aquarius is more independent both are enterprising and are concerned with producing result. Innovative technologies are more accessible to us during the imaginative Aquarius Mars while it will serve us better to stay with tried and true conventional means while it's in Capricorn from August 14 - September 11. Interestingly, Mars will retrograde over the US 2nd House South Node to one degree away from its natal Pluto (which is Opposite Mercury), perhaps giving us opportunities to reconsider our Values, Resources and Financial decisions made in the last few months. We're moving towards a Pluto Return (transiting Pluto will conjoin natal Pluto in early 2022, which we'll begin to feel in 2020) - a huge moment of transformation for our country, particularly regarding these areas. Mars retrograding over this area now may indicate the circumstances to come - though its pretty clear that the whole arena is already in play. Along with erratic Uranus' recent move into money-driven Taurus, the advice is to get your financial ducks in as-secure-a-row-as-possible as soon as possible. Mars joins four other planets currently Retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto! With all this - who we, as a collective, have considered ourselves to be, looks like it's about to change... radically.
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mesmerizing Ryan Gosling, discovers buried below a solitary tree, the bones of a female replicant which has given birth. In fear of losing control of their society's order, Gosling's boss, Lieutenant Joshi (Robin Wright), demands he find the child and eliminate it. Of course, it's not a huge surprise that the parents are...well, no spoilers here...but even from the trailer we know Harrison Ford's original title character shows up
for what, I thought, was some of the best dramatic acting of his career. Villeneuve is said to leave much of the actor's choices to their own devices and the end result is an invisible veil between reality and illusion. Legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins (Skyfall, No Country for Old Men, The Reader) won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography for this film and his visuals are nothing short of gorgeous. This is not your average sci-fi movie containing all the expected conventions of the genre. Mysteries continue to prevail and while the plot is definitive, the narrative is most surely and richly character driven. If you haven't seen this magnificent piece of filmmaking - or its predecessor - you're missing a real treat. On HBO.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
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Redon's Struggle Between Woman and Centaur |
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Pelé's Famous Bicycle Kick |
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