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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqjrWefjkUk&t=9s |
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 12:16pm EDT on Wednesday, May 31 after a VOID OF COURSE morning. It remains in Virgo until Friday, June 2 at 5:48pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mars in Gemini. Important practical actions initiated during the
V/C Moon period tend not to have desired results. It's best to use this
time for inner creative work or planning future action. Although both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, they symbolize different mental qualities. Mars in Gemini may reflect a scattered energy with which the Moon in orderly Virgo is very uncomfortable. We may feel criticized or judged by ourselves or others for not acting in just the right or expected way during this time.
The Square to Mars may be experienced as conflict, anger or health issues as a result.
Use this Mutable Earth sign's optimum qualities of being
discerning and analytical to produce the best work possible now, but
try not to over-do it with a need for perfection. Incorporate Gemini's drive to gather information with Virgo's ability to organize it, integrate it and make it useful. Remember to look up
and out at the bigger picture at this time or you're likely to get caught up in
the detail and small stuff that, in the end, may not matter as much as
you think. If you're sure it does matter, communicate with as much
broad-mindedness as you can muster! Everyone makes mistakes, even
you. Otherwise, actions initiated at this time will tend to have
CHALLENGING results. Another potential use of this energy is to clean and organize your space, giving yourself permission to 'do it as it comes' instead of in an orderly manner. You know - you're in the living room so you put away DVD's and notice the stone Buddah needs dusting so you pick up a cloth napkin on the table and wipe Buddah down then walk into the kitchen to throw the rag in the laundry and wash your tea cup from mid-morning...It may not be perfect, but consider it creative housekeeping...at least you'll have some sense of satisfaction!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Big Short, 2015; Director: Adam McKay. This is a compilation of scenes depicting several financial investors gathering information about the benefits of shorting (betting against the success of...) a stock or bond etc. In the end, Brad Pitt's character, as mentor to two novice investors, lays out the big picture to them...which should give them reason to pause...good reason. But they carry on - only to encounter great upsets as well as great rewards. This is an amazing film of Virgonian detail - analyzed, evaluated and explained with as much painstaking logic as any film you've ever screened. However, it's being aware of and acting on the bigger picture, while clearly not the moral aspect, that is the only thing that saves some of these guys' asses. It's an eye opener.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
MOON ENTERS LEO at 8:12am EDT on Monday, May 29 after a VOID OF COURSE early morning. It remains here until Wednesday, May 31 at 7:14am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon
in Leo Sextile Mars in Gemini. This is a highly energized, Sun-ruled, Fixed Fire Moon and a time
when we'll benefit from physical activity in our creative lives. Leo
does enjoy being center-stage, so we may experience some aggressive
limelight stealing! Leo is the child of the zodiac and children don't
tend to remember to share. Lessons from the opposite sign of Aquarius can be accessed to
balance this self-oriented quality by including your friends and extended
community in your play! Don't be too resistant to compliment the star
of the show on a job well done. When you do you are likely to receive an
enthusiastic and generous response, making you feel like shining just as
brightly...mutual acknowledgement is as good as it gets! Mars' engagement with this Moon reflects opportunities in exercising your life-force through the right-use-of-will or even through athletic endeavors. Actions
initiated during this time tend to have VERY GOOD results. Find your artistic self-expression and put it into action now!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Natural, 1984; Director: Barry Levinson. This is the unforgettable scene where Redford hits the skin off the ball - talk about energetic self-expression! This moment is transformational for his character, late-to-the-game Roy Hobbs, who up until now hasn't been taken seriously by his manager or teammates. Redford is a true Sun in Leo, his radiance shining into his '80's...even with his stellium in Virgo (I've noticed that his shirts are tucked in in almost every scene of every film he's in and he often has dialogue speaking to his character's need to feel useful...all Virgo traits - not to mention his environmental commitment). His career-catapulting portrayal of the Sundance Kid, the inspiration for the naming of the film festival he founded, is symbolic of his essential cosmic archetype. Hit it outta the park during this enthusiastic Leo Moon!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlNLhuxeDJQ |
Friday, May 26, 2017
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L26bnfsPb2A |
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
MOON ENTERS GEMINI at 8:15am EDT on Thursday, May 25 and remains here until Saturday, May 27 at 2:18am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries. NEW MOON EXACT at 3:44pm EDT on Thursday. ELECTRIC! Since Uranus is the higher/collective resonance of
Mercury, ruler of Gemini, this is a very positive and exciting time to begin something in the areas of
Communication, Travel and Mind Processes. And...the NEW MOON is the
perfect moment to initiate new projects in these arenas! Intuition, imagination as well as rational intelligence is at its height. Creative brilliance - new ideas - may be available to us now. This Mutable Air
sign reflects a love of conversing and it's likely we'll have great opportunities as a result of
doing so now! Writers, teachers, speakers: this is an excellent time to
initiate projects or specific communications, especially over digital
devices. Take advantage of it! Be conscious not to be too scattered or
gossipy. Keep on track to get things done. When you find yourself being
sidetracked, notice it asap and re-focus your attention to the goal at
hand. We should be able to tap into our mental word-bank more easily
than usual and express ourselves clearly now.
Actions initiated during this period along these themes tend to have
EXCELLENT results.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Searching for Bobby Fischer, 1993; Director: Steven Zaillian. It has been said that prodigies show themselves primarily in three areas of study: mathematics, music and chess. All three are grounded in an intuitive understanding of complex rational relationships (Gemini). Based on the book, Searching for Bobby Fischer: The Father of a Prodigy Observes the World of Chess, by New York Times writer Fred Waitzkin, this film tells the real-life story of his son Josh (Max Pomeranc), a brilliant young chess player, and the potential cost of his Gemini/Uranus genius. In this scene we witness two youths (Gemini twins) facing off in the final game of a tournament. The film is an incredibly poignant study of how a family supports their gifted child in coping with an intelligence that could make his life as uni-focused and tortuous as his idol, the international chess master Bobby Fischer. The film also stars Ben Kingsley, Laurence Fishburne, Joe Mantegna and Joan Allen.
Monday, May 22, 2017
After a VOID OF COURSE morning, the MOON ENTERS TAURUS on Tuesday, May 23 at 8:33am EDT. It remains here until Wednesday, May 24 at 3:08pm. Important practical
actions initiated during the Void of Course periods tend not to work out
as planned. It's best to use this time for inner creative work or
planning future action. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Pluto in Capricorn. Both Venus-ruled Taurus and Pluto/Scorpio reflect resources and
values: personal and others' respectively. The Trine angle suggests a
harmony between the two, so actions initiated during this time,
especially around these themes, will tend to have GOOD results. (Pluto
can sometimes reflect difficulties even with harmonious aspects such as the Trine, hence the tempered evaluation instead of Excellent.) We may feel tested
or pressured in some way and because of the Fixed Earth nature of
Taurus, our fuse may finally blow. Even with this potential effect, now is very likely a
beneficial time for purchases, perhaps even investments, though I hesitate to
advocate anything long term given the delicacy of our current economy. We may
be building towards a fall in the very near future. But short term
spending should satisfy our sense of Beauty, Art and sensuous pleasure! Our sense of the erotic may be heightened now as both the Moon in Taurus and Pluto are indicators of our sexuality. Taurus is also the Master Builder, so investing in homes and property - especially repairs or renovations (Pluto) - would be a good bet. If it's not time for that, put your knees to the earth and tend your beautiful garden! Just remember, Taurus is known for its stubborn nature so try to go with the flow as much as possible.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Reader, 2008; Director: Stephen Daldry; Screenwriter: David Hare adapted from book by Bernhard Schlink. This entire film is the poetry of Taurus and Pluto. From written and spoken word to direction and performance, almost every moment is dramatic cinema at its most eloquent. The storytelling is sophisticated and poignant, endearing and tragic. If Venus-ruled Taurus reflects being drawn into love and attraction, Pluto/Scorpio takes us to its darkest depths and all possible repercussions of said love, including redemption and resurrection. This work of art has it all. Kate Winslet, David Kross and Ralph Fiennes are nothing short of remarkable.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vjDZQtAKuc |
Saturday, May 20, 2017
MOON IN ARIES from 6:11am EDT on Sunday, May 21 until Tuesday, May 23 at 2:59am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Uranus in Aries. Impulsive Cardinal Fire
sign Aries needs to find its grounding now as Uranus is likely to
heighten is unexpected actions into a major upset. Stay as conscious as
possible as this may reflect an accident-prone time. While this combustible energy must be released, slow down to negotiate the surprising turn of events with as much grace and balance as
possible. Think before you say something you later regret. Remember
Aries is ruled by Mars, the Warrior archetype. Find access to the
opposite end of the axis in Libra and activate your ability to
compromise your way to resolution. Also, because the conjunction can express itself positively or negatively, I should include that if your project is clearly Uranian - electronic, revolutionary or scientific - then you might consider this a possibly GOOD starting time. The most optimum and imaginative use of this current electric force would be whirling your dervish Self into an enlightenment experience! Otherwise - especially because Uranus in Aries by itself is particularly loaded with potentially aggressive energy and willfulness - actions
initiated during this time will tend to have CHALLENGING results. Even though Aries is the classic archetype for launching, if you have the patience to wait until Tuesday to begin a project - especially making purchases, investments or building something - (the Moon is in Tauru$ with a positive Last Aspect Trine to Pluto) I'd recommend it.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Baraka, 1992. Director: Ron Fricke. Let's go with the most ecstatic reflection of this Mars/Uranian life force! In the late Roger Ebert's 2008 review of the Blue Ray digital re-master of this movie, he suggests that if one film is sent to the stars in another Voyager spacecraft it must be this film. Wiki sources tells us that "Baraka" is a Sufi word meaning "a blessing, or the breath, or the
essence of life, from which the evolutionary process unfolds." In Islam
generally, it is a kind of continuity of spiritual presence and revelation that
begins with Allah and flows through that and those closest to God. In Judaism, it
is a ceremonial blessing. In Swahili, it means "blessing." In French slang, it means "good luck." Fricke's film, as in his previous Kayaanisqatsi and Powaqqatsi, is a blessing to the eye, as each long-held image - in the form of person, place or thing - carries the essence of its title. If you haven't been witness to this aesthetic masterpiece, indulge yourself immediately.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZGDlh-rNPI&t=151s |
Thursday, May 18, 2017
MOON IN PISCES from 11:52pm on Thursday, May 18 until Saturday, May 20 at 11:39pm EDT. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Saturn in Sagittarius. Ruled by Neptune, this Mutable Water sign tends to be imaginative, emotional and spacey! With the Square to Saturn which demands a focus on Reality, we may be hindered in the naturally free-flowing creative expression of Pisces. Saturn will demand that we straighten up and fly right - come down from our fantasy dream world and get practical and realistic. We might not appreciate this wake-up call! If we can realize that both states of being are of value to us, we may be able to become 'practical dreamers' and manifest our visions. Actually doing your meditation practice would be a good use of this energy as well! Try to move through the tension the square suggests and come out the other end with a creative tangible result. Otherwise, actions initiated during this time tend to have CHALLENGING results.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdmPrsKV0Kg |
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
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Aquarius, The Water Bearer |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssfTNCTVT5U |
Sunday, May 14, 2017
NOTE: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! The Mother archetype is traditionally reflected by The Moon which rules the sign Cancer and the 4th House of home and family. It's interesting that on this year's Mother's Day the Moon is in its opposite sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn. While this ruler of the pinnacle 10th House of Public Recognition or Career is often associated with The Father archetype, many in the astrological community suggest that if the Mother is stronger in the native's life, this celebrated house would instead reflect her. Given that it's Mother's Day today let's give our personal matriarch the public honor she has earned and place her at the top of the chart this weekend! Remember, this blog is all about the reconciliation of opposites! Here's our chance. This Capricorn Mother's Day we honor all Mom's out in the world doing their thing! I love you, Mom🌟❤️🌟
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Ep9OQ_L6E&t=29s |
...and just for fun, here's another unforgettable scene.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExS5prihfoM |
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o-mbYtU86g |
Monday, May 8, 2017
MOON IN SCORPIO from 1:01am EDT on Tuesday, May 9 until Wednesday, May 10 at 5:42pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Sun in Taurus. We are
building towards the FULL MOON which is exact at 5:42pm on Wednesday,
May 10. The FULL MOON
reflects the culmination of actions, often begun at the previous New Moon, which
was on April 26 when the Moon was Conjunct the Sun in
Taurus. Tension is likely to grow as the Moon waxes towards fullness and Scorpio's emotions will need to be
released as consciously and compassionately as possible. Ruled by Pluto
and traditionally by Mars, the Scorpio Moon may indicate that anger and
conflict may arise around themes of finances or personal values. Since both Taurus and Scorpio symbolize sensual and sexual energy,
issues of jealousy or control may show up as well. Scorpio also reflects primal forces of life, death and especially, regeneration; so this can be a powerful time of creativity and healing old wounds. As in all oppositions, we're looking for ways to integrate the opposites by honoring both ends of the polarity. Acknowledge your Taurean self-worth and need for sensuous pleasure while simultaneously being conscious of others' values and hidden unconscious desires. Call on your integrity, courage and best
negotiating skills - or find a mediator to assist you - in order to find your way
to a compromise. Otherwise, actions initiated during this period will
tend to have CHALLENGING results. This is an excellent time to enter psychological analysis!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: A Perfect Murder, 1998; Director: Andrew Davis. Inspired by the play and Hitchcock's classic adaptation Dial M for Murder, this film incorporates just about all of Scorpio's intense qualities. Heiress Gwenyth Paltrow (Emily) is the trophy wife of currency trader Michael Douglas (Stephen) and is having a steamy affair with artist Viggo Mortenson (David). On the edge of financial ruin Stephen sets his wife up for murder in order to reap her true hidden treasure. Of course there's a twist and fighting for one's life is involved. All three actors are mesmerizing and it's glamorous Hollywood suspense drama in all its Scorpionic glory!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SWeujCFLNI |
Friday, May 5, 2017
MOON IS VOID OF COURSE on Saturday, May 6 from 8:42am until 2:20pm EDT. Important actions initiated during the V/C Moon tend not to work out as planned or desired. It's best to use this energy for inner creative work. The imagination should feel heightened during this time especially since this is near the completion of Mercury's shadow Direct period.
MOON ENTERS LIBRA at 2:20pm where it remain until May 8 at 6:59pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius. By Monday, the 8th we should be clear of Mercury's shadow period and I would recommend waiting until this day to initiate important actions/purchases/contracts/travel. Cardinal Air sign Libra reflects the mental side of our emotions, which affords us more objectivity than usual. Ruled by Venus, it highlights Beauty, Art, Relationships, Compromise and Justice. We may also be focused on money, as Venus reflects what we Value. The Last Aspect Sextile to Saturn suggests a serious nature to our relationships now and a good time to restore any imbalance. Have the courage to speak your Truth now and spend whatever resources you need to make situations right, though Saturn will tend to keep you thrifty! If you've been holding off purchasing an aesthetically pleasing piece of art, now's the time to do it. Finally, there may be benefits from relationship with an elder (Saturn). Don't hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wp4j0a_l0g |
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 5:47am EDT on Thursday, May 4 after a VOID OF COURSE early morning. It remains in Virgo until Saturday, May 6 at 8:42am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Saturn in Sagittarius. We are
likely to feel a bit cranky now as our need for order, purity and perfection may
not be easily attained. While we strive to maintain our routines, they may now be thwarted for some reason. Saturn may reflect feeling tested by our own
over-critical orientation and we just can't seem to get it right. Remember to let yourself and others off the hook now and forgive overlooked details. Make the corrections and get on with it. Look at the bigger goal and be grateful you caught the mistake! Activate the optimum expression of Virgo which is driven to integrate separate parts of the puzzle to make a whole. Also try to use this time for Spring Cleaning! Ruled
by Mercury, communications and schedules need verification and vehicles
should be checked, especially since we're in the shadow period of
Mercury turning Direct. (It clears on May 8th but first Good Day to initiate projects is the 11th after 12: 59pm.) This is the last chance to take advantage of the
numinous quality of Mercury's Retrograde period. Writers - get to work
and let your imagination take you to exciting new places! Just be patient and wait till the 11th or 12th to publish or mail applications. In general, actions initiated during this period tend to have CHALLENGING results.
SCENE FOR THE DAY:As Good as it Gets, 1997; Director: James L. Brooks. One of my all-time favorite romantic comedies starring Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear. This is stretching Virgo's most annoying drive for perfection, cleanliness, order and routines, but Nicholson's obsessive behavior in this scene is just too absurdly funny not to screen here! Both Nicholson and Hunt won Academy Awards for their performances in this unique and endearing classic.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44DCWslbsNM |
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

NOTE: MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT on Wednesday, May 3 at 12:33pm EDT. But remember its troublesome effects don't clear until MAY 8th - a four day shadow period, this time. That means its advantageous effects are also still in play. That means that undependable communications, contracts and travel as well as creative inner work, dreams and artistic endeavors are all heightened during this period. Use this time well!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgL8uhMDpeI |
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Isadora, 1968; Director: Karel Reisz. Isadora Duncan, as embodied by genius performer Vanessa Redgrave, was the epitome of a passionate Leo being center stage and authentically self-expressing! Duncan, born in either 1877 or 78, was a revolutionary improvisational dancer inspired by the classical Greek aesthetic who broke all rules of formal contemporary performance. She exuded a freedom of expression which honored her philosophy of dance as sacred art. Interestingly, Redgrave has a Leo Ascendant while Duncan was a wings-on-her-feet Gemini Sun, and was believed to have had a Firey Aries Ascendant. The complete film Isadora is streaming on youtube.
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