“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Friday, June 16, 2017


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE on Saturday, June 17 from 7:33am EDT until 1:55pm when it ENTERS ARIES. It remains here until 3:42pm on Monday, June 19. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Sun in Gemini. Important practical actions initiated during this longer-than-usual V/C period tend not to work out as planned. It's best to use this time for inner creative work or planning for future action. Ruled by Mars, this Cardinal Fire sign of Aries reflects a highly energetic and active few days when we'll want to initiate projects on our own. We'll have great Gemini ideas but may not have the patience to take them to fruition. Get humble and be willing to align with someone who is more grounded and able to take your project to completion. This can be a passionate and enthusiastic time when your identity feels fully supported. It's likely you'll find benefits now in being and expressing your authentic self. Being the first sign of the zodiac, this may be the right time to be original and courageous - the first to do something new. Aries lights the spark that fuels Leo's enduring flame and results in Sag's wisdom-seeking quest. It's also a time to get physical and enjoy some travel. Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have EXCELLENT results. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Hidden Figures, 2016; Director: Theodore Melfi. A great film must have great characters. Every great character has a desire or goal that drives their action. Actress Janelle Monáe plays Mary Jackson. Mary's goal is to become an NASA engineer. To hold the audience's interest, tension around a character's goal is supplied - thus a barrier to Mary's desire is created. In this scene we see that her goal is thwarted because the school she needs to attend in order to become an engineer does not accept African-Americans into their program. To forward the drama, the character must make a decision to act - to overcome the barrier to reach her goal. Mary decides to go to court and provide a convincing argument to the judge to override this prohibitive policy. Her clever idea to make it happen? The importance of being first, to break new ground. Mary's courage and spirit to act drive her forward to achieve her goal. This entire film is grounded in strong women characters who possess these Aries' qualities that enable them to put Geminian new ideas into action. That's how NASA was able to put the first man on the Moon! 

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