“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, June 12, 2017


After a VOID OF COURSE MOON from 2:45pm until 7:45pm EDT on Monday, June 12, the MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS and remains here until Thursday, June 15 at 1:40am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries. Actions initiated during the VOID OF COURSE period of the day tend not to work out as planned or expected. It's best to use this time for creative inner work. Water Bearer Aquarius symbolizes the drive to distribute life wisdom, particularly in the realm of advocating freedom, equality and independence. Finding our unique way of being in the world adds color and fullness to our collective. These qualities are important and available to us now. It's likely that being involved with community and friends will offer great benefits at this time. Work with computers and other electronic devices, ruled by Uranus, should also be advantageous. Aquarian Moons can have us feeling more , scientifically logical, objective and detached than usual, so if you're the sensitive type try not to take it too personally. Forward-thinking political actions to raise awareness and honor human freedom should prove successful in the long run. With all Uranian actions try to be flexible; while sudden changes in circumstances are likely to occur they should ultimately be to your advantage. Since Aquarius is last aspected by its ruling planet Uranus, this Fixed Air Moon period, in general, is strong and an EXCELLENT time to initiate action for successful resolution.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Milk, 2008; Director: Gus Van Sant. Sean Penn wins the Best Actor Academy Award for his performance as Harvey Milk, gay political activist extraordinaire. In this clip we witness his powerful ability to disseminate what could be considered a radical forward-thinking Uranian perspective to his community. Aquarian themes of equality, freedom and independence are all addressed. God Bless the courageous Harvey Milks of our world who are willing to be their unique individual selves, demand respect and the freedom to express it within the collective. 

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