“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Sunday, March 5, 2017


MOON IN CANCER from 7:54am EST on Monday, March 6 until Wednesday March 8 at 9:59am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mars in Aries.The Moon is in its own sign now which makes it strong: highly sensitive, emotional, moody and changeable. The areas of life highlighted are Home, Family and The Feminine principle. The Mother Archetype is particularly strong now. Care-taking, nurturing qualities of the quintessential Mother/Child relationship are front and center at this time. Our inclination will be to protect ones close to us. The Square to Mars Last Aspect makes this already tender heart more vulnerable. We're likely to be either on the assertive or receiving end of a confrontation, quite likely between two women. Stop and breathe before you act. Someone is likely to feel wounded as a result of hurtful statements or actions by another. T'ai Chi your way out of the conflict. Be particularly conscious if engaging in some physical activity at home. Try to find a way to use Mars' Warrior Archetype for its Courage and Leadership abilities rather than its aggressive behavior. Unless cautions are heeded, actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have CHALLENGING resolutions.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Twentieth Century Women, 2016; Director: Mike Mills. Annette Bening as Dorothea, exudes the Twentieth Century Mother Archetype to a tee! In her attempts to protect and support her son, Jamie, in becoming the man he is to be, she enlists two younger women as agents - Elle Fanning as Julie and Greta Gerwig as Abbie. All three are beautiful, forthright and powerful in their own ways. In this scene, Julie and Dorothea confront each other about their respective effects on young Jamie, played by Lucas Jade Zumann. With improvisational dancing and some hysterical lines, Billy Crudup, as boarder William, rounds out the cast as only he can do! Through the exquisite performances of this brilliant ensemble cast we also witness Dorothea, Julie and Abbie becoming the women they are to be. 

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