“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Thursday, March 16, 2017


After a VOID OF COURSE MOON from 5:56pm EDT on Friday, March 17, the MOON ENTERS SAGITTARIUS at 11:00pm and remains until Monday, March 20 at 6:37am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, planet of growth, abundance and the search for meaning, our natural Sagittarius optimism may be constrained by Saturn now. Perhaps we've been overdoing things and are getting the message to control ourselves! Sag loves to travel to distant lands so this may be a time to stay home for awhile. Sagittarius/Jupiter expands while Saturn contracts; we may experience a 'start/stop' or 'push/pull' now. This Mutable Fire sign also signals a passion for Freedom which Saturn is eventually likely to block. Circumstances will tend to occur that stand in our way, at least temporarily, especially for women. Feeling depressed is not uncommon when Saturn conjoins the Moon. Just know: This too shall pass. The inherent drive for adventure in the Sagittarius quest for Truth will inevitably return.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Ghandi, 1982; Director: Richard Attenborough. Ghandi stages his first non-violent protest in this scene initiating his quest for Freedom from British rule for Indians. Saturn shows up in the form of police beatings as he burns the required 'pass' Indians must carry at all times. Interestingly, Ghandi had Saturn in Sagittarius. The push/pull of striving for Sagittarian qualities and being stopped at almost every turn would be Saturn's life lesson for him. His Sun and Ascendant were both in Libra emphasizing, even more, his search for Justice. Libra's Air element fueled his Fire indicating the unrelenting nature of his resistance.

TRUMP NOTE: DT has Moon in Sagittarius which, since his election, is being transited by Saturn. This challenge to his Moon actually indicates a curbing of his natural show of arrogance as well as the constraint he is experiencing from The Feminine. This transit which limits him will last until mid-October. Our work for justice, freedom and equality must be maintained with great vigor during this period! We are building towards 2020 when Saturn conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and a new cycle begins. This planetary pattern appears to be dramatic for the US if we consider that 9/11 occurred when these two planets were in opposition on the US Ascendant/Descendant axis. Though Saturn/Pluto often reflects a tearing down of traditional structures, in the end, how we rebuild is, ideally, up to US. 

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