William Blake's The Ancient of Days from Europe: A Prophecy, 1794 |
MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 2:50am EDT on Monday, April 9 and remains here until 10:55am on Wednesday, April 11. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries. Ruled naturally by Uranus, this Fixed Air Moon should
be Electric and the intelligent imagination it reflects is likely to soar! The Aquarius principle concerns higher consciousness and the separate individual within the community and its range is from the unusual and innovative, to upsetting changes of circumstance and revolution. Uranus is most always full of surprises, so expect the
unexpected now, especially because of Mercury's continued Retrograde.
Changes in plans are likely, but with the positive Sextile 60º angle,
they're most probably for the best. We may experience people being more
objective and detached but don't let that hurt you. Use the Mercury Retrograde opportunity
to re-consider and re-do anything previously begun but either wasn't
completed or just didn't work out. Scientific and technological/electronic/computer projects
are highlighted. Aquarius also rules the circulatory system and
reflects all kinds of distribution - especially of information. In
general, actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have
VERY GOOD resolutions - as long as you respect the Mercury Retrograde
caution. Check and double check your information; postpone, if possible, major
contracts, agreements or purchases until the 18th when the Retrograde is clear. Revolution is in the air. Choose your transformation well!
AQUARIUS SCENE: Snowden, 2016; Director: Oliver Stone. Stone's drive to enlighten the Moon-ruled public of counter-status-quo information via film (Nixon, JFK, Born on the 4th of July as well as his many politically radical documentaries) is reflective of his astrological blueprint. [His Sun/Mercury (Virgo) and Neptune (Libra) all reside in his 11th House which is Aquarius' natural house. Neptune rules cinema which, of course, would suggest his medium of choice - though it could also have been music or poetry.] With his Scorpio Ascendant, he's a storyteller that goes deep into hidden truths that keepers-of-mainstream-illusions prefer not be publicized. The amazing Mr. Snowden finds himself privy to inner workings of the National Security Agency which are appalling to his highly-tuned sense of justice and freedom. After much reflection, he makes the radical and life-altering decision to distribute the information via trusted journalists over both print and electronic media. We can see that Stone's life-purpose is very similar to Snowden's. Interestingly, both Stone and Snowden's North Nodes (direction toward which life takes us) are both in Gemini. They both fulfill their destinies as communicators. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is the collective or higher resonance of Mercury, the ruler of Gemini. While Stone has Uranus square Mercury/Sun, Snowden has Uranus opposite his natal Mercury. Both are high-wire acts with regards to communication, driven to tell the risky stories. Snowden is likely to be tested on his whistleblowing choice come January 2020 when the highly anticipated Saturn conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn makes a challenging squares to his own Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Libra in his 5th house. This clip is not only revelatory but visually exciting, as it graphically demonstrates just how extensively the electronic system of information-distribution is being made available to government watchers. Privacy is an illusion.
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