Redon's 'Sailing Boat with Two Passengers' |
MOON REMAINS IN AQUARIUS until 10:55am EDT on Wednesday, April 11 when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 2:40pm. At this time the MOON ENTERS PISCES and remains here until 7:27am on Friday, April 13 when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the day. LAST ASPECT OF PISCES MOON: Moon Trine Jupiter in Scorpio. Ruled by the sea-god Neptune, this watery Moon period reflects a deeply emotional time and is likely to see us hiding behind the scenes - at least behind our unconsciously (or consciously) created masks. Scorpio also likes its secrets and is driven to self-protection. This is a great time to go deeply into the deep-space psyche and recognize the wealth available in your imagination. The dream life is potent with extremely rich information. Use it. The advantageous Sextile to Jupiter suggests the opportunity for growth in this process. Trust where the images lead...and they may lead to Neptunian poetic creativity, musical imagination, cinematic storytelling or any other artistic project. This isn't the time to depend on logic and reason. Neptune/Pisces reflects a fluidity that can temporarily dissolve the structures of our rational mind in order to access the magical reality of the non-rational symbolic world. Neptune reflects the wholeness of unification: All is One and One is All. A lack of delineation tends to create boundary issues, so make yours clear and respect others'. Diminished definitions can make things confusing; if you find yourself on a mystifying oceanic inner journey, remember that the resourcefulness of Scorpio indicates that the situation will work out in the end. Again...pay heed to Mercury Retrograde cautions: no major purchases or agreements if at all possible and check/double check information, vehicles and schedules.
PISCES SCENE: Truly Madly Deeply, 1990; Writer/Director: Anthony Minghella. This jewel of a
film is representative of almost every element of the Pisces Moon Trine Jupiter in Scorpio. I used it a few years ago for a Pisces Trine Venus Moon, but this is just as, or even more, appropriate. It is a beautiful and poignant love and Scorpion death story in which the sweetest
music is the vehicle for a Neptunian idealistic vision. Nina, played so authentically
by Juliet Stevenson, has lost her Jamie, played by truly, sadly, deeply deceased
Alan Rickman and, in this scene, conjures him back through their
co-creative life of music. Is she dancing in a dream or is he accompanying her on the cello in this world? The illusion is tantalizing. Pisces wants to cling, as Nina wants desperately to hold onto Jamie's presence. When a potential new love interest arrives on the scene and Jamie realizes her confusion, he recites a poem that seals the deal - Pablo Neruda's 'The Dead Woman' (La Muerta). You can watch the recitation in the clip below. This is truly and deeply a very special film
and if somehow you missed it, remedy the situation soon!
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