“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Sunday, July 9, 2017


MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 1:25am EDT on Monday, July 10 and remains here until Wednesday, July 12 at 8:40am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries. Given that Uranus rules Water Bearer Aquarius, its archetype is strong now. This Fixed Air sign period is an EXCELLENT time to begin innovative-idea driven projects. Group and community oriented activities are highlighted. The need for independence is strong. This is a Great time to initiate projects on your computer or any other electronic device. Before Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel, Saturn was its traditional ruler. So Aquarius can reflect either or both planetary archetypes. The combination of Saturn and Uranus can symbolize revolutionary projects which focus on breaking down restrictive systems of the past (as in government), making way for future-oriented humanitarian principles. Circumstances may change during the development of your actions but, as the Sextile to Uranus indicates, opportunities are available in this arena now and the end results should bring great satisfaction! Remember Aquarius periods tend to feel more detached and objective, so don't take others' need for space too personally. Get together with friends and do something exciting!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Snowden, 2016; Director: Oliver Stone. Aquarian themes of human rights and breaking apart the status quo for the greater good of the collective and future benefit are rampant in the character of whistleblower Edward Snowden. Revealing classified intelligence documents to journalists who published them for the world to see calls into question whether this former military and NSA agent is a traitor or hero. Whatever your perspective, his actions expressed the radical nature of the Aquarian archetype. He is a revolutionary character, willing to sacrifice his personal freedom, as well as adherence to Saturnian law, for what he believes is the greater good. A quote from a Katie Couric interview with Snowden underlines this sentiment: “Every act of progression (Aquarius) in our nation’s history has involved tension with law. Whether it be slavery, the rights for women or the birth of our nation - laws were broken. And that’s because the laws were wrong.” That information from electronic technology was the source of his mission only heightens the Uranian nature of his actions. As with so many of Stone's historically-based movies, this film strives to enlighten its audience about the hidden parts of a bigger controversial story. JKF, Nixon and Born on the 4th of July are other powerful examples. There's an unexpected excitement to the development of the narrative in Snowden and the visuals of state-of-the-art digital technology offers a tension that is palpable. Stone himself is a maverick of American cinema as he continues to provide our culture with some of the most important stories to tell. The Aquarian age is here and, in this film, well-represented!

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