“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Aquarius, The Water Bearer
After being VOID OF COURSE from 6:22am EDT, the MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS on Tuesday, May 16 at 1:50pm. It remains here until Thursday, May 18 at 8:33pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Sun in Taurus. Important practical actions initiated during a V/C period tend not to work out as planned or desired. It's best to use this time for inner creative work or planning for future action. Ruled by Uranus and traditionally by Saturn, this Fixed Air Aquarian Moon reflects the impulse for change while the Last Aspect Square to Taurus wants to stay right where we are. Because we're likely to require more freedom or space than usual, we may experience a distancing from others. The Last Aspect suggests that some conflict around finances, personal security or values will upset our desired objectivity or friendships. It also may indicate our resistance to reign our expanded consciousness back to practical earth. Sun in Taurus loves sensual behavior and spending money for the cushy life. It prefers to stay local, present and grounded in order to appreciate these things. These qualities are very different from the intellectual detachment of Aquarius which symbolizes going forward and outward into the new and innovative future. Try to find a way to negotiate the two. Both signs are Fixed which suggests that flexibility is an issue. Call on your higher self's understanding of compromise and adaptability now! It's good time to go with the flow. Actions initiated during this period tend to have CHALLENGING results.
SCENE/TRAILER FOR THE DAY: Miles Ahead, 2015; Director: Don Cheadle. This film tells the story of cultural icon Miles Davis, legendary musician who was instrumental in radically changing the sound of traditional jazz in the late 50's and 60's through the 80's. Cheadle directs himself in the leading role - appropriate to the strong will of his charismatic bandleader character. Miles was a Gemini Sun with a Grand Fixed Cross, which included Neptune in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius. This opposition reflects his growth (Jupiter) through music (Neptune) as well as his drive to transform the musical world. At a Reagan White House dinner, when a politician's wife asked why he deserved to be there, his oft-quoted response was: "I've changed music five or six times." He wasn't known for his humility but his statement is undeniably true. Interestingly, Cheadle shares this same opposition in the other two Fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio - their similar oppositions combined (in a Composite chart) making another Grand Fixed Cross. We often find substantial similarities between charts of related people - indicating the likelihood for their strong connection. 

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