“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Saturday, October 8, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 11:51am EDT on Sunday October 9 until 1:33am on Monday October 10.  Important practical actions initiated during this time are likely to have CHALLENGING results. This Void of Course time for most of Sunday is best utilized with inner creative work. Let your imagination take you to those impossible irrational places where the paradox rules and logic feels like mental confinement! Witness the unfolding symbols of your daydreams and later find the way to incorporate them into your life. Remember the magic in synchronicities and how profound a feeling fills you when you experience it! Engage in automatic writing or drawing and let the gold of your unconsciousness show itself to you.  

MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 1:33am EDT on Monday October 10 until Tuesday October 11 at 6:49pm. The  Aquarian Moon is ruled by Uranus and reflects the principle of separation. Its qualities are uniqueness, independence, innovation and revolution. At the same time, equality and fairness are important values as evidenced in the Aquarian' attention to group dynamics - particularly the brother/sisterhood of humankind. When Uranus was last in Cancer (1948-55), for example, it reflected part of a generation who, in the 60's and 70's, yearned for unusual homes and lifestyles (Cancer). The commune and collective came in to high fashion - the desire for freedom its driving motivation and revolution or rebellion often the result (all Aquarian/Uranian expressions). As the higher vibration of Mercury, Uranus also reflects the inspiration of the higher mind. The Aquarius Moon therefore can often indicate a time when we experience the rare insight of a sudden ah-ha moment. This fast moving energy represents the electronic/digital world so computer-driven projects are highlighted at this time.

THE LAST ASPECT is Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries at 6:49pm EDT on Tuesday Oct. 11. Actions initiated during this period will tend to have EXCELLENT resolutions, especially ones based on the previously mentioned qualities. Be independent within the group while communicating clearly and appropriately about your actions. It's likely that opportunities will present themselves that will be of benefit to you if you honor Uranus. You may feel someone is behaving detached, objective and cool as is often the Aquarian's way. Try not to take it personally and stay on your own track. Pay attention to where your intuition and imagination take you - these are important vehicles of the Aquarian mind. Directed appropriately they can even lead to breakthroughs in science and technology, two valuable products of the Aquarian intelligence and ingenuity.
SCENE OF THE DAY: Captain Fantastic, 2016; Director: Matt Ross. This is a story about a unique family living in isolation in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. The inimitable Viggo Mortensen, who plays the very Uranian father Ben, trains his children in survival, radical politics and higher consciousness. We witness how these values hold up...or don't...when they choose to break the rules and enter traditional city life. The intelligence of the children is evident in this clip. What you don't see here is how their individual and collective independence and ingenuity catapults them towards adulthood. Aquarius' traditional ruler is Saturn - before Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel. So its expression can range from more conventional to radical kinds of behavior.  (Aquarians are considered either more Saturnian or more Uranian types.) Interestingly, Mortensen's Ben, embodies both archetypes. While being a forward thinker he also projects a stern Saturnian authority figure as demonstrated by his military-like discipline. Raising his children in such an extreme manner may either frustrate or inspire you...most likely both! 

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