“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Saturday, June 2, 2018


MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 6:06pm EDT on Saturday, June 2 after a VOID OF COURSE DAY, and remains in Aquarius until Monday, June 4 at 1:10am. It remains VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY June 4. One has to consider all these V/C days we're having. We seem to be being set up to confront the in-between places in our personal and collective lives - to let go of our western propensity for accomplishment. Concepts such as 'the unknowable', the symbolic life, the dream world and intuition, are all supported by the nebulous and creative energy of the Void of Course Moon. Just don't expect to get a lot of practical work done and know that what you do produce is likely to morph into something you haven't planned on: Go with the Flow.
The AQUARIUS MOON is ruled by Uranus (and traditionally - before the discovery of Uranus - by Saturn) and we can continue to expect the unexpected for the next few days. This Fixed Air sign is driven to surprises and changes, sometimes revolutionary. Our minds should be in high gear and coming up with innovative ideas for old problems. Aquarius rules the electronic arena so this is a good time for distributing information via computers. Work associated with the welfare, especially the equality, of the collective is always the point for Aquarius. Get together with friends or groups of like-minded colleagues and begin some exciting project. Remember that Aquarius reflects the individual's unique expression within the group, so don't hold back - be your True Beautiful self! Actions along these themes initiated during this Moon period are likely to have GOOD RESOLUTIONS. The only caution for the Square to Jupiter is excess! And don't forget that Aquarius has a more objective and scientific perspective than many of us, so if you encounter detachment or aloofness, don't take it personally. Take a deep breath, know the energy of the day and use it the most appropriately as you can!
AQUARIUS FILM SCENE: State of Play, 2003
(Original British Mini-Series); Director: David Yates; Writer: Paul Abbott. Bill Nighy, James McAvoy, Kelly McDonald, John Simm and David Morrissey lead the amazing cast in this six-hour mini-series from which the Russell Crowe/Rachel McAdams full-length American movie was adapted. It is a political thriller in which a newspaper investigator unravels the coverup of a murder involving a major corporation and an MP - who happens to be an old friend of the investigator. This version is so much better than the American! It's questionable whether all the complex dramatic plot points can be fully realized in a condensed format. The characters are so beautifully developed in the extended BBC television series that you don't want to miss a moment. Astrologically speaking: here we have a team of newspaper reporters who are working a story which starts to blow their minds. They're excited to get the information out (all Uranus/Aquarius) but then come to the realization that the meaning or what they thought was the story is challenged (square to Jupiter). This is one of my all time favorites! You can get the discs from Netflix or a library (Keene Public Library)...Here's another/different trailer:

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