Birth of Venus - Odilon Redon |
MOON ENTERS TAURUS at 0:04am EDT on Sunday, June 10 and remains here until Monday, June 11 at 11:29pm when it goes VOID OF COURSE. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Venus in Cancer. Ruled by Venus this
Taurus Moon is in its glory! Its archetype deals with that which we
value - its range is from Beauty, Sensuous Love and Art to its Earthy
self as Master Builder. What Taurus creates must satisfy a lust for
aesthetic pleasure and be of the physical world. And what the Taurus Moon builds she
makes for the purpose for of providing security for those she loves.
Taurus is a Fixed sign and its stubborn nature is legendary. This is a
time for creating Beauty that gives support and being conscious of
breathing into and letting go of places where we feel stuck. Taurus is
the money sign and this is the time to purchase that which gives you
pleasure! Actions along these themes initiated during this Moon period will tend to have
EXCELLENT RESOLUTIONS. Note: The Moon will Conjunct Uranus newly in Taurus, now at 1 degree. This may reflect some excitement or unexpected disruption in our home or emotional life. It also may require some needed space. Best to honor Uranus' requests as he's not one to be ignored.
TAURUS FILM SCENE: Back to Burgandy (Ce qui nous lie - That Which Binds Us - original title), 2017 (French); Writer/Director: Cédric Klapisch. A Sensuous Venus is tangible in this gorgeous French wine country film. From the first shot we can tell we are going to relish every moment. Three siblings reconcile their financial conflicts over an inherited vineyard when Jean (Pio Marmaï), the eldest, returns
after many years from Australia and a troubled relationship. Though he has run away from his father and his roots, we witness as he reconnects with the his family and their land which supports him in more ways than he remembers. Perhaps resolutions come too easily but we fall in love with each character - a rare experience - and want to jump into the screen to stomp on grapes and celebrate with them.
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