Capricorn: Ambition of The Mountain Goat |
MOON REMAINS IN SAG until 11:38am EST on Saturday, February 10 when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the day. SEE FEB. 8 for Sag info.
It's probable that not much practical work will be accomplished during
the Void of Course afternoon and actions initiated during this V/C
period of the day are likely not to work out as planned.
MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 9:21pm on Saturday night and remains here until 0:43am on Tuesday, February 13. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries. Ruled by
Saturn, this Cardinal Earth sign is driven to climb the ladder of
success. It's likely, however, that actions initiated during this Moon
period will encounter barriers to this ambition. Willfulness and
impulsive behavior will tend to get in the way. Be particularly aware of
Saturn-ruled bones and teeth as you move as consciously as possible
through these days. Capricorn rules government and business so we are
likely to witness more upsets in this arena now.
In general, actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have

CAPRICORN SCENE FOR THE DAY: I, Tonya, 2017; Director: Craig Gillespie. This film is ALL about Capricornian ambition. Margot Robbie plays Olympic champion Tonya Harding. The difference between her performance as Jane in the latest Tarzan movie is remarkable. She's amost unrecognizable! But it's Alison Janey (West Wing's CJ Craig) as her witchy mother who really takes the prize. She's a shapeshifter! Even though most audiences are aware that the ex-husband orchestrated the circumstances that resulted in skater Nancy Kerrigan's assault, the details of how the events escalated out of control make you want to pull your hair out. Each of the main characters carries an unbelievable amount of Uranus-in-Aries explosive anger. It's as if they've been programmed by tv crime series how to solve a problem - how to remove any obstacle that stands in the way of reaching the desired goal. There is no remorse, no moral compass, no responsibility - merely justification.
Jeff and Shawn: The Ex-Husband and Body-Guard Collaborator |
Permit me to rant: This is an old structure utilized by the masculine archetype (active in both males and females) of survival of the fittest that relies on various forms of aggression to resolve conflicts. So many individuals, as well as governments, continue to resort to this primitive, knee-jerk, unconscious mode while others take time to create alternative behavior. We might consider this an example of the shift to the egalitarian/humanitarian Aquarian Age. I also see it as the slow evolution from a Saturnian attitude to a Uranian one. Between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus moves the large asteroid Chiron which carries the Wounded Healer archetype. Astrologer Barbara Hand Clow refers to Chiron's archetype as the Rainbow Bridge between the old (Saturn) and the new (Uranus). Only when we address and begin to heal our original childhood wounding can we imagine the release of our old patterns which compensate for a lifetime of suppressed pain. And only then can we begin to imagine a new, more conscious and compassionate way to resolve conflicts and be in the world.
Allison Janney as The Mother |
The film itself is creatively constructed, magnificently acted and compelling to witness. I highly recommend it - if you can bear watching incredible
stupidity in action. I use this word
rarely - I find it incredibly offensive. But this antiquated behavior warrants its use. (Please don't interpret this post as an attack on the dependable, honorable Capricorn which brings us respect and Mastery when integrity, hard work and invested time are present!)
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