Prometheus Brings Fire by Heinrich Friedrich Füger |
MOON ENTERS SAGITTARIUS at 2:04am EST on Friday, January 12 and remains here until Sunday, January 14 at 3:48am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Uranus in Aries. After a whole VOID OF COURSE DAY Thursday, when most likely not much practical work was accomplished, this Moon period goes into action! Sagittarius is the Truth-seeker - the philosopher on a spiritual quest for answers and the meaning of life - how to lead a purposeful existence in service to a higher calling. Both Jupiter-ruled Sag and Uranus in number-one Fire sign Aries have a passionate
drive for Freedom and Independence - so expect others to be requiring it
and make sure you add your voice to the cry! Think rebellious Prometheus bringing Fire to the human race. This is a great time to
take off on a long-distance journey, especially a solo adventure! Adding
a spiritual quest to the agenda will make the trip more meaningful.
Try something innovative that you've never done before. Just a caution, as always with Uranus in Aries in play: be conscious of
the tendency for impulsive decisions or actions. Take a breath and think
twice. Now is a time to ask yourself what freedom, on every conceivable
level, means to you. You might be pleasantly surprised what comes up.
SAG SCENE FOR THE DAY: Rebel Without a Cause, 1955; Director: Nicholas Ray. James Dean in his signature role is desperately searching for a life with integrity, meaning and Truth. In this scene he tells his parents about an accident in which one of his classmates is killed. He owns up to participating in the car race and wants to assume responsibility but his parents want him to stand down for fear of repurcussions. This is an explosive turning point in the film which calls into question our moment-to-moment choices and how our own individual characters are formed. Do we have the courage to break out into our True selves and express our authentic nature? We may use this time to call on our inner Prometheus to give us the courage - and become a rebel with a cause!
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