“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, January 16, 2017


MOON IN LIBRA from 6:19am EST on Tuesday January 17 until Thursday January 19 at 3:55am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius. Ruled by Venus, this Cardinal Air sign reflects, among other things, Relationships, Equality, Justice, Balance and Beauty. With the Last Aspect sextile Saturn we are likely to notice a grounding, seriousness, practicality or structure to our relationships at this time. We may embark on a relationship with an older person. We may find a Master whose life experience guides us. Whatever form this partnership or artistic endeavor takes there will tend to be opportunities available to us as a result of it. Given that we are working with Saturn's archetype, there may be some testing involved. Even so, actions initiated along this theme are likely to have GOOD resolutions.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Lion, 2016; Director: Garth Davis. Based on a true story, we are entranced by Saroo, a five year old Indian boy, who waits for his brother on a train platform - but his brother never returns. Saroo, played by precious Sunny Pawar, gets on an empty train in the station, falls asleep and finds himself in a new world when he awakens. This is an amazing story of beautiful relationships, particularly between the two brothers. These bonds are all tested yet wonderful opportunities arise from these trials. Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire and The Newsroom stars as the older Saroo. 

1 comment:

  1. Blake, this has been a transformational time for me. You note: "SUN ENTERS AQUARIUS at 4:24pm on Thursday, January 19." If that is EST, then this is virtually the exact moment when I, in a faculty meeting, felt a huge release of emotions that I had been carrying filled with angst and resentment; I sensed instead optimism and hope. hmmmm....
