“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Friday, December 9, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE until 7:41am EST on Saturday December 10. MOON ENTERS TAURUS at 7:41am and remains until 11:04pm Sunday December 11. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mars in Aquarius. Important practical actions initiated during the early morning V/C Moon are likely not to work out as planned or desired. Because of the Last Square to Mars, actions initiated when Moon enters Taurus will also tend to have CHALLENGING results. This configuration brings to mind the Taurean Bull who can do his namesake justice-to-the-max if he gets caught in the shadow of the Fixed Earth element he symbolizes. We mostly know this attribute as stubbornness, but with Mars in Aquarius, real willfulness is evident and, if challenged we find ourselves radically defending our independent point of view. Because projects begun now are likely to create circumstances where we butt heads in conflict with others and are easy to anger (especially over money issues), do remember Taurus is ruled by Venus and Aquarius carries a sense of equality for all groups of people. Call up to consciousness your generous heart. While the Sun conjoins Saturn at 18 Sag now (3 degrees away from Trump's Moon), exact on the Saturday the 10th, this may be a real test.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Trump the Bully: from The Democratic National Convention, 2016. This clip sums up the above description to a T...for Trump. Really. Watch this compilation of moments, all with which you're probably familiar. But then Hillary appears...and, whatever you think of her, it's bloody perfect! I couldn't get this guy out of my mind for this Moon period; please forgive me. I'll get back to movie scenes next post. (Saturn will conjunct T's Moon at 21 Sag the last days of Dec. and first week of January '17. Let's see if we see any indications of it...Remember, the Moon reflects the Public as well as the Women and Emotion in our lives. When Saturn conjoins it, the Moon is likely to feel shut down, rejected. Saturn will simultaneously Oppose his Sun/North Node! His sense of self, self-expression and Destiny are all being tested - given a reality test. He's in for Somethin'!) 
Post Script: I just researched the dates for the Electoral College process of declaring the Presidential winner (see: Electoral College Schedule): The states vote on December 19th when Mercury goes Retrograde (which can often indicate a reversal of a previous action), and December 28 - January 6 is when the President of the Senate receives the votes, Congress counts the votes, then the President of the Senate (the VP) declares the winner...this is the precise time Saturn is at 21 Sagittarius. Michael Moore believes they won't go for Trump. (Salon Article) After predicting that he would win the election, let's hope he's right again! There is Hope.

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